The New M60 Lone Worker system allows you to offer fool proof protection for your workers even in locations/situations where they cannot wear radio devices.

By removing the need for users to carry around radio devices on their person it also removes the worry of whether the fobs/pendants are working, or if their battery is low.

Our Lone Worker system works very simply by using a reset/ok button; The button is normally located on the front of the M60, but can be located in a more convenient location. Whilst the Lone worker system is active the button must be pressed every X seconds otherwise an alarm is generated.

When an alarm has been generated it will instantly send an alert message via Speech and or SMS to the predefined emergency contact list.

How does the Lone worker work?
To use the system first the user must select the timeout period. This is the maximum time allowed before an alarm is generated. e.g. the lone worker must press the reset/ok button every 15 minutes otherwise it triggers the alarm.
Depending on the system you order, you can either have a single timeout period (e.g. 15 minutes) or you could have multiple timeout periods (e.g. 15,30,45 minutes) that are user selectable via a rotary switch.

The user then simply turns the system on by turning a key switch.

Whilst the Lone worker system is active the reset/ok button must be pressed before the system times out.

When the M60 hits the final 2 minute mark, it triggers a local sounder to alert people that they must press the reset/ok button.

If the M60 times out completely it will then instantly start communicating a 'man down' message to the emergency contact list.

Phone line options
The M60 can connect to a standard land phone line, but if you don't have a phone line the M60 can also connect to the GSM network to send voice and or SMS messages.

Phone line Backup
The GSM phone network can also be used as a backup facility. The M60 monitors the connected landline and if it fails it will automatically switch to the GSM network.

Extra connections
You can also use the M60 to monitor other alarms on site (e.g. High/Low Temperatures, Power Failures, Security etc.. ), when not using the Lone Worker System.
Depending on your version you could connect 3 to 55 other devices.

Lone worker Package includes;
•1 Off M60 with Battery Backup.
•1 Off local or remote ok/reset button.
•1 Off local or remote strobe/siren.

  M60 Lone Worker System

Lone Worker Protection
Lone Staff Protection

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A Packs Infotel Designed Product, 1 Broomfield hall buildings, London road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0DP, United Kingdom.
 Tel +44 (0)1344 874114 Fax +44 (0)1344 874664

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