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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 12:06 pm on April 14, 2014 Permalink |
    Tags: , , , , , , , Software, V50 software   

    New V50 software released for the M30 Alarm Dialer 

    New V50 software released for the M30 Alarm Dialer

    The new V50 software version has many new features and improvements, but the main changes are listed below.

    New V50 software released for the M30 Alarm Dialer

    New V50 software released for the M30 Alarm Dialer


    The M30 will now automatically progress to the next slot after a phone number has been added or edited.

    The only exception is if it is already at the last slot in that roster/group.


    All Dial out delays on the M30 can now be skipped over/though by simply pressing the “ESC” key.

    This includes the Input delay, Inter-dial out delay and the Extended pause delay.

    Number Skip Dial out Feature

    The M30 now gives you the ability to manually select the number to be dialed from the currently selected roster.

    For example during your weekly tests you don’t want to disturb the person in Dial out 2 as they are on holiday, with this feature you can just skip over them and jump straight Dial out 3.

    When “TEL” appears on the display press the “ESC” key and you will hear a small beep. You can now use the down arrow to cycle though all the Dial out slots in the currently selected roster. (Every time you press the down arrow you will see the Dial out slot number change.)

    If you go too far just keep pressing the down arrow, and the M30 will loop around.

    When you are happy press the “ESC” key again and the M30 will carry on from the chosen number.


    For more information and pricing on the V50 Software Upgrade please contact us

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 11:53 am on September 21, 2012 Permalink |
    Tags: , , Software,   

    How to change the Model 30 Alarm Dialler Software 

    How to change the Model 30 Alarm Dialler Software

    The software that controls the M30 can be found on the CPU board, located on the back of the M30 membrane/front panel.
    IMPORTANT: Before changing the M30 software ALL power MUST be disconnected from the M30. To do this first remove the
    Mains power, this could be done at the source, or by simply pulling out the fuse holder located on the Mains block inside the
    It should be noted that the M30 still has power (I.e. The display is still showing information). This is due to the battery back-up
    inside the M30. To disconnect the battery back-up simply press the OFF button located on the Power Supply board, as shown
    in the diagram below, (N.B. The termination plate needs to be removed before access can be made to the mains block and OFF
    When all power has been removed from the M30, there will be NO input indicators lit and the LCD display will be blank, the
    software can now be safely changed.

    M30 Alarm Dialler

    To obtain access to the software remove the 4 retaining screws shown in the diagram above. The Membrane can now be
    removed from the chassis. (Note: there is a cable that connects the CPU to the Power supply, this does not need to be
    disconnected, but it may be easier to fit the software by removing the cable from the CPU board).
    The software is stored in the EPROM and can be located by a White label clearly showing the current software version.
    Below is an example of an EPROM with the software version M30V40STD8, yours may well be different.

    M30 Software EpromBefore removing the old software, note the direction the small notch at the top of the EPROM is facing. Now using a small
    screwdriver, remove the old software and replace it with the new software, ensuring that the notch is facing in the same
    direction as the old software.
    The M30 can now be put back together, I.e. reconnecting the ribbon cable (if removed), placing the CPU/membrane back in to
    the chassis, re-inserting the retaining screws. Once done the only thing left to do is reconnect the Mains and allow the M30 to

    IMPORTANT: It is absolutely vital that the M30 is now tested for all events. (I.e. All alarms are checked and the M30 is tested
    for dialling out, and interrogation.



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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 12:42 pm on July 2, 2012 Permalink |
    Tags: Alarm Cancellation, , Software   

    0 Key Alarm Cancellation Autodialler Software Upgrade 

    The M30 Autodialler ‘0’ key cancellation software upgrade provides the following additional feature to the standard M30.

    On a standard M30 when you want to acknowledge / cancel an active alarm. i.e. stop the M30 from calling anyone else on the current roster/dial out list, you phone the M30 back on the PSTN / Land Line or GSM phone number it is connected to, the M30 answers and acknowledges that the alarm has been cancelled.

    With the ‘0’ key upgrade you can cancel the alarm while you are listening to the alarm call. E.g. The M30 phones you to report there is a mains failure on site, during the call you press the ‘0’ key on your phones keypad, the M30 will hang up on you and cancel any further alarm calls.

    As per a standard machine if another alarm becomes active or the current alarm goes and comes back again the M30 will start calling out again.

    The software is currently available for nearly all 4, 8, 16 & 56 channel/input machines.

    As per all our software and hardware upgrades they can be customized to your exact needs.

    For more information please check out our Autodialler Optional Features page or Contact Us

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 3:03 pm on June 26, 2012 Permalink |
    Tags: , Software,   

    Recycle After Cancellation Autodialler Software Upgrade 

    The M30 Autodialler Recycle after Cancellation software upgrade provides the following additional feature to the standard M30.

    On a standard M30 when you cancel / acknowledge an alarm call the only way that the M30 will dial out again is if another becomes active or the current alarm goes and comes back again.

    But in critical applications some business owners managers might want to put in an extra layer of defense against accidental or malicious cancellation –  i.e. You receive the call during the night, cancel it,  then role over and go back to sleep.

    With this upgrade installed, if the alarm is still active X minutes after the M30 has been cancelled, the M30 will start dialing out again. Only when then the alarm has been cleared will you be able to do a full cancel.

    The software is currently available for nearly all 4, 8, 16 & 56 channel/input machines.

    As per all our software and hardware upgrades they can be customized to your exact needs.

    For more information please check out our Autodialler Optional Features page or Contact Us

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