Tagged: Remote Equipment Monitoring
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Remote Equipment Failure Monitoring
 Remote Site
Having Equipment / machinery / processes / livestock in remote and or unmanned locations means you need to have an effective method of monitoring them for problems or failures. But like the preverbal tree in the forest having an expensive alarm system and sensors is not much use if there is no one around to hear it.
That is where our M30 comes in, it can safety and securely send alarm messages in the form of voice, SMS or data to the correct on call personnel, instantly informing them of the problems with the remote equipment, allowing them to quickly respond.
The M30 can use both the standard PSTN land line phone network and GSM mobile/cell network to send alarms. It can also be setup to monitor the connected land line and automatically switch to the GSM mobile/cell phone network if the line fails.
You can also interrogate the M30 at any time allowing you to check the current status of any alarms.
The M30 is currently used around the world in a multitude of situations from Power Stations in England, desalination plants in Florida, Railways in Singapore, Live Stock in Wales and Pharmaceuticals in Scotland.
Below are some of the features available on the M30;
- 4,8,16 and 56 individual alarm inputs / channels.
- Individual user recordable speech and or SMS messages for each input.
- Voice, SMS & Pager alarm messages.
- PSTN and or GSM phone network connection.
- Remote 247 Interrogation from any phone.
- Integrated Mains Failure detection.
- 24 Hour + battery Backup.
- Fully Menu and Keypad driven with a backlit LCD display.
- IP56 Industrial enclosure.
Because the M30 is designed and built by ourselves in the UK if there is a special function you need for your application then we will normally be happy to create it for you.
The above list is only a small selection of the M30 features, for more comprehensive information please contact us or visit the standard or optional features pages.
Written by M60 GSM Alarm Dialer
Remote Site Alarm System
Our UK built and designed M30 Alarm System was created specifically to protect remote and unmanned sites and equipment.
 Remote Site
As the M30 is purpose built for remote and harsh environments it comes with all the types of features you might expect including; 4,8,16 or 56 dedicated alarm inputs, voice and SMS alarm messages, integrated 24/48 hour battery backup, low battery alarm, basic surge protection, an IP56 Enclosure rating and a user friendly LCD and keypad.
Even if your remote site does not have any electricity or phone lines or if they are intermittent you can still use the M30 as it can be run off a 12vdc supply and you can use the GSM mobile/phone lines to make and receive alarm messages.
The M30 is used around the world by a variety of different businesses and in a multitude of applications including; Railways in Hong Kong, Gas & Oil in Scotland and the Fareo islands, remote power generation on dams and landfills, remote and unmanned livestock farms.
Below are some of the features available on the M30;
- 4,8,16 and 56 individual inputs / channels.
 Remote Alarm System
- Individual user recordable speech and or SMS messages for each input.
- Voice, SMS, Pager alarm messages.
- PSTN and or GSM phone network connection.
- Remote 247 Interrogation.
- Integrated Mains Failure detection.
- 24 Hour plus battery Backup.
- Fully Menu and Keypad driven
- IP56 Industrial enclosure.
Because the M30 is designed and built by ourselves in the UK if there is a special function you need for your application or site then please just ask as we will normally be able to create it for you.
The above list is only a small selection of the M30 features, for more comprehensive information or pricing please Contact Us or visit the Standard or Optional Features pages.
Written by M60 GSM Alarm Dialer
M30 Alarm Monitoring System
The M30 Alarm Monitoring System is purposely designed to monitor your alarms and equipment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 days a year.
When the M30 detects an alarm activation or a problem with your equipment it will instantly communicate this to the correct on call personal via voice, SMS or data over a std land line or the mobile/cell phone networks. The M30 will then continue to send messages until one of the personal acknowledges the problem and cancels any further messages, this prevents the common problem of someone not hearing their phone or falling over in bed and falling back to sleep.
 Alarm Monitoring System
You can connect up to 56 individual items to the M30, each with their own individual user recordable speech or SMS message. It also has its own integrated battery backup, Mains Failure detection and is designed for use in commercial/industrial situations.
The M30 can come with backup protection for your landline so if your phone line has been tampered with or fails the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM networks to make sure you always get your alarm message.
The M30 can also be used to trigger onsite audible alarms or turn on/off equipment via its remote switching capability.
Below are some of the features available on the M30;
- 4,8,16 and 56 individual inputs/ channels.
- Individual user recordable speech and or SMS messages for each input.
- Voice, SMS, Pager alarm messages
- PSTN and or GSM phone network connection.
- Remote 247 Interrogation.
- Integrated Mains Failure detection.
- 24 Hour battery Backup
- Fully Menu and Keypad driven
- IP56 Industrial enclosure.
Because the M30 is designed and built by ourselves in the UK if there is a special function you need for your application then we will normally be happy to create it for you.
The above list is only a small selection of the M30 features, for more comprehensive information please contact us or visit the standard or optional features pages.
Written by M60 GSM Alarm Dialer
Remote Alarm Monitoring SMS
You can have the most advanced alarm system in the world, but like the proverbial tree in the forest, if no one hears it, not only was the system a waste of money but you have probably lost whatever it was monitoring.
 Remote Alarm Monitoring with SMS
That is why our M30 Alarm Dialer is specifically designed to Remotely Monitor Alarms on unmanned or critical industrial / commercial sites. It comes with all the types of feature you would expect from an industrial unit, including; 4-56 separate inputs, GSM & PSTN communication, industrial components, integrated battery backup and an IP56 enclosure. – Check out more features at the bottom of this post.
The M30 Alarm dialer can even be installed in locations without a physical phone line by using its GSM voice and SMS options.
The SMS option allows you can choose the type of message (SMS / Speech message) each alarm recipient will get via the easy to use LCD and menu system. E.g. If you wanted you could set it up so that the first person gets a SMS, the second a voice, the third a SMS etc.
Each input/channel on the M30 has its own user definable message SMS and speech message so instead of a generic “channel 1 alarm” you will receive a more useful “High Temperature in building 181” each machine also has a unit identifier message (e.g. “This is the Aberdeen water treatment plant”) to enable you to easily disting uish where the alarm message has come from.
Below are some of the features available on the M30;
- 4,8,16 and 56 individual inputs/ channels.
- Individual user recordable speech and or SMS messages for each input.
- Voice, SMS, Pager alarm messages
- PSTN and or GSM phone network connection.
- Remote 247 Interrogation from any phone.
- Integrated Mains Failure detection.
- 24 Hour battery Backup
- Fully Menu and Keypad driven
- IP56 Industrial enclosure.
Because the M30 is designed and built by ourselves in the UK if there is a special function you need for your application then we will normally be happy to create it for you.
The above list is only a small selection of the M30 features, for more comprehensive information please contact us or visit the standard or optional features pages.
Written by M60 GSM Alarm Dialer
GSM Alarm Dialler with Voice and SMS
The M30 GSM Alarm Dialler is an industrial / commercial unit designed for operating in harsh environments. The M30 comes with all the features you would expect from an industrial unit including; 4 to 56 independent inputs each with their own user recordable speech or SMS message and integrated 24+ hour battery backup to name a few – see the standard features page for a full list.
Speech & SMS
The M30 Dialler now supports both Speech and SMS alarm messages. This can be individually configured for each Dialout. E.g. Dialout 1 to send a speech message to a land line, Dialout 2 to send a speech message to a mobile and Dialout 3 to send an SMS to a mobile.
Unlike all other GSM Alarm diallers the M30 also has a PSTN connection, meaning if you wish, you can setup your unit to use the GSM network as a backup connection. I.e. The M30 will monitor your PSTN land line; if it fails or is cut it will automatically switch to the GSM network.
Below is a small subsection of the features that are available on the M30;
- 4,8,16 & 56 Individual Alarm Inputs.

- Individual Speech Messages for each input.
- Individual SMS Messages for each input.
- PSTN & GSM Options.
- Internal Mains Failure Alarm Sensor.
- 24+ Hour Internal Battery Backup.
- Fully Menu and Keypad Driven.
- IP56 Industrial Rated Enclosure.
If you would like more information or help on the features of the M30 please visit the standard or optional features pages or contact us directly.
The M30 is designed and built by us in the UK so if there are any special features you require for your application, we will normally be happy to create them for you.
If you have any questions or would like pricing please contact us.
Written by M60 GSM Alarm Dialer
Unmanned Site Alarm System
Having an unmanned site raises all sorts of questions about how you protect the sites security, the monitoring of any running equipment or processes to the welfare and safety of people or livestock.
Most of those questions can be fixed by installing various types of monitoring and or alarm systems.
Of course you can have the most advanced alarm system on the planet, monitoring every aspect of your unmanned site, with the loudest bells and strobes. But like the proverbial tree in the forest if there is no one around to hear and respond to the alarm you might as well just have an empty box on the wall.
This is where the M30 Unmanned Site Alarm Dialler comes in – The M30 connects to your current alarm system or you can wire in all your sensors and monitoring equipment direct to the M30. When the M30 receives an alarm signal it will automatically communicate this to the preprogrammed emergency contact list to inform the current on call personal that there is a problem on site.
The M30 can connect either to a local PSTN landline or to the GSM mobile phone networks; depending on what you have setup the M30 can send user recordable real speech alarm messages, SMS text messages or data to pagers.
If you worried about your landline failing or being deliberately tampered with, the M30 can monitor the connected PSTN land line, if this fails or is cut the M30 will automatically switch across to the GSM networks.
The M30 can also trigger an onsite alarm siren or strobe if you wish.
Below are some of the features available on the M30;
- 4,8,16 and 56 individual inputs/ channels.
- Individual user recordable speech and or SMS messages for each input.
- Voice, SMS, Pager alarm messages
- PSTN and or GSM phone network connection.
- Remote 247 Interrogation.
- Integrated Mains Failure detection.
- 24 Hour battery Backup
- Fully Menu and Keypad driven
- IP56 Industrial enclosure.
Because the M30 is designed and built by ourselves in the UK if there is a special function you need for your application then we will normally be happy to create it for you.
The above list is only a small selection of the M30 features, for more comprehensive information please contact us or visit the standard or optional features pages.
Written by M60 GSM Alarm Dialer
Computer Room Auto Dialer
We have been designing and building Auto dialers since 1958 and installing them in IT environments since the mid 1970’s, during that time we have refined our designs and added user requested features to allow us to purposely design the M30 for use in Server / Computer rooms or other types of IT centre.
Because of the amount of money and time that can be lost by a single PC or Server failure the M30 is purposely designed for Critical environments and has various backup an d fail safe features built in, including 24hr battery backup, test diagnostics, daily test routines and PSTN / GSM network connections.
4 , 8 , 16 or 56 Individual Inputs – The M30 comes in 4 different versions to give you the exact amount of alarm inputs you require. Each input can be either a Normally Open or Normally Closed contact loop. (If you want to supply voltage then you will need to use a converter module). Each input has its own dedicated real speech or SMS message, so instead of getting a “channel 1 alarm” you get a more useful “computer room 1 high temperature” message.
GSM Backup – The M30 gives you four options for connecting a phone line;
- Via the default PSTN land line connection.
- Via a dedicated GSM connection. – Great if you don’t want or can’t have a PSTN connection.
- GSM as a backup, the M30 will continually monitor the connected PSTN line, if this fails then the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM network. – Great for critical situations.
- You can also connect our SMS module allowing you to send SMS messages in addition to a voice call.
M30 Features;
- 4,8,16,56 separate alarm inputs, each with their own dedicated speech message

- PSTN Phone line connection
- GSM Phone line Connection either dedicated line or as a backup option.
- SMS Text Message Option
- Integrated 24hr plus battery backup.
- Remote Integration – you can phone the unit at any time to check its status.
- Fully Menu and keypad driven.
- Designed any built for industrial and commercial environments.
Because the M30 is designed and built by us in the UK, if there is a feature or function you would like please contact us a s we can normally create it for you.
For more information, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or Auto dialer FAQs pages.
Written by M60 GSM Alarm Dialer
Auto Dialer System for Remote Equipment Monitoring
Looking for an Auto Dialer System for remotely monitoring your equipment? We have been designing and manufacturing auto dialer systems since 1958 to securely and reliably remotely monitor equipment in critical and industrial environments all over the world.
On activation our M30 can not only send real user recordable speech messages but SMS text messages, pages and local alarm signals to inform you when there is a problem on site. Unlike cheap and domestic systems the M30 is clever and can be setup to help you run your business more efficiently – for example; only report alarm calls during certain hours/days or to ring different contact lists depending on which alarm contact is activated.
The unit can connect to both standard PSTN land phone lines as well as the mobile (cell) GSM networks, meaning the M30 can be fitted in remote locations where it is not possible/practical to get a landline. The GSM line can be used as a backup; so if the land line fails or is cut the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM network.
Our Auto Dialer systems features include;
- 4,8,16 or 56 separate alarm contacts.

- Integrated battery backup.
- Integrated mains failure detection.
- GSM & PSTN line connections.
- Remote interrogation.
- Fully menu and keypad driven.
- Plus many more….
The M30 Auto Dialer can take alarm inputs from a multitude of equipment and devices for example;
• Volt free Dry Contacts.
• N/O or N/C Relays.
• Equipment status contacts.
• Equipment Alarm contacts.
• High / Low Level Sensors.
• Temperature Sensors.
• Flow Sensors.
• Pressure Sensors.
• Mains Failure Detectors.
Our system is very easy to use and will work with all industrial and commercial equipment.
For more information, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or Auto dialer FAQs pages.
Written by M60 GSM Alarm Dialer
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