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4,8,16,56 Alarm Inputs,GSM or Land Line Networks,No Need for a Fixed Line,Real Speech Messages,24hrs Battery Backup,Remote Interrogation,Fully Menu Driven,Call Back to Cancel, Analogue Inputs , Insurance Approved
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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 1:03 pm on March 12, 2013 Permalink |
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    Auto Dialer with text message 

    Auto Dialer with SMS text message

    The M30 Alarm Auto Dialer is a commercial SMS dialer designed specifically for industrial and harsh environments including the monitoring and protection of humans and livestock.

    The M30 is the tenth type of machine we have built since 1958; during that time we have incorporated many features that have been requested by customers probably making the M30 the most user friendly and feature comprehensive auto dialer on the market.Auto Dialer with text message

    The M30 comes in 4,8,16 and 56 separate input/channel versions and can send either Real Speech messages or SMS text messages to the setup emergency contacts; this allows you to easily differentiate between an alarm call and an alert.


    Text Messages / SMS messages

    The M30 provides the user with a customisable text message for each input / channel – this means that not only can you easily differentiate between the alarms but you are not stuck with a generic “channel 5 alarm condition”, you can setup a more useful “Fire in hanger 2”.

    When the M30 detects an active alarm condition it will automatically transmit an individual message for each active alarm channel.Alarm Text Message Example For example if 4 inputs are active you will receive 4 messages.

    Voice and/or Text Messages

    When setting up your machine you can easily specify the type of alarm message each contact will receive e.g. an SMS message or a Real Speech voice message, it is your choice.

    M30 Features;

    • 4,8,16 and 56 individual inputs.Alarm Dialler with text message
    • PSTN and GSM options.
    • Fully LCD and menu driven.
    • Remote Interrogation.
    • Integrated 24 hr + battery backup
    • Integrated mains failure
    • Industrial IP56 rated enclosure.

    The above list is not definitive and there are many more standard and optional features available. Also because the M30 is designed and built in the UK by ourselves if there is a special function you need, we can normally design and incorporate it into your new machine.



    For more information or pricing on the M30 Auto Dialer please contact us or visit the SMS Dialer section on our site.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 9:42 am on March 5, 2013 Permalink |
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    Computer Room Auto Dialer 

    Computer Room Auto Dialer

    We have been designing and building Auto dialers since 1958 and installing them in IT environments since the mid 1970’s, during that time we have refined our designs and added user requested features to allow us to purposely design the M30 for use in Server / Computer rooms or other types of IT centre.

    Because of the  amount of money and time that can be lost by a single PC or Server failure the M30 is purposely designed for Critical environments and has various backup anComputer Room Auto Dialerd fail safe features built in, including 24hr battery backup, test diagnostics, daily test routines and PSTN / GSM network connections.

    4 , 8 , 16 or 56 Individual Inputs – The M30 comes in 4 different versions to give you the exact amount of alarm inputs you require. Each input can be either a Normally Open or Normally Closed contact loop. (If you want to supply voltage then you will need to use a converter module). Each input has its own dedicated real speech or SMS message, so instead of getting a “channel 1 alarm” you get a more useful “computer room 1 high temperature” message.

    GSM Backup – The M30 gives you four options for connecting a phone line;

    1. Via the default PSTN land line connection.
    2. Via a dedicated GSM connection. – Great if you don’t want or can’t have a PSTN connection.
    3. GSM as a backup, the M30 will continually monitor the connected PSTN line, if this fails then the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM network. – Great for critical situations.
    4. You can also connect our SMS module allowing you to send SMS messages in addition to a voice call.

    M30 Features;

    • 4,8,16,56 separate alarm inputs, each with their own dedicated speech messageComputer Room Auto Dialer
    • PSTN Phone line connection
    • GSM Phone line Connection either dedicated line or as a backup option.
    • SMS Text Message Option
    • Integrated 24hr plus battery backup.
    • Remote Integration – you can phone the unit at any time to check its status.
    • Fully Menu and keypad driven.
    • Designed any built for industrial and commercial environments.


    Because the M30 is designed and built by us in the UK, if there is a feature or function you would like please contact us a s we can normally create it for you.

    For more information, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or Auto dialer FAQs pages.


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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 1:09 pm on February 28, 2013 Permalink |
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    Auto Dialer System for Remote Equipment Monitoring 

    Auto Dialer System for Remote Equipment Monitoring

     Looking for an Auto Dialer System for remotely monitoring your equipment? We have been designing and manufacturing auto dialer systems since 1958 to securely and reliably remotely monitor equipment in critical and industrial environments all over the world.Auto Dialer System for Remote Equipment Monitoring

    On activation our M30 can not only send real user recordable speech messages but SMS text messages, pages and local alarm signals to inform you when there is a problem on site. Unlike cheap and domestic systems the M30 is clever and can be setup to help you run your business more efficiently – for example; only report alarm calls during certain hours/days or to ring different contact lists depending on which alarm contact is activated.

    The unit can connect to both standard PSTN land phone lines as well as the mobile (cell) GSM networks, meaning the M30 can be fitted in remote locations where it is not possible/practical to get a landline. The GSM line can be used as a backup; so if the land line fails or is cut the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM network.


    Our Auto Dialer systems features include;

    • 4,8,16 or 56 separate alarm contacts.Auto Dialer System
    • Integrated battery backup.
    • Integrated mains failure detection.
    • GSM & PSTN line connections.
    • Remote interrogation.
    • Fully menu and keypad driven.
    • Plus many more….

    The M30 Auto Dialer can take alarm inputs from a multitude of equipment and devices for example;
    •    Volt free Dry Contacts.
    •    N/O or N/C Relays.
    •    Equipment status contacts.
    •    Equipment Alarm contacts.
    •    High / Low Level Sensors.
    •    Temperature Sensors.
    •    Flow Sensors.
    •    Pressure Sensors.
    •    Mains Failure Detectors.

    Our system is very easy to use and will work with all industrial and commercial equipment.


    For more information, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or Auto dialer FAQs pages.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 11:32 am on August 13, 2012 Permalink |
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    What is a GSM Alarm Dialler? 

    What is a GSM Alarm Dialler?

    GSM Alarm Diallers are fairly new to the market (i.e. the last 8 years or so) but in that time have shown themselves to be very useful and convenient either as an alternative to a standard Alarm Dialler or as a backup device.

    In situations where it is not practically or financially viable to get a land line installed or where there is a high chance someone might try to block the line a GSM Dialler can be ideal.

    A GSM Alarm Dialler is essentially the same as Landline Version but accepts a sim card and uses the GSM networks to make and receive alarm calls rather than PSTN land lines.

    Not all GSM Diallers are equal most are very cheap and are not designed to cope with commercial or industrial use, nor will they have the features a business might require i.e. multiple dial out lists for different staff rotas. For example the Commercial M30 Autodialler by Packs Infotel can use both Landlines and the GSM network, i.e. The M30 can use the GSM networks all the time or the M30 can use the Land Line networks and only switch to the GSM / Mobile networks if the land line fails.


    But you do need to be bare in mind that GSM / Mobile networks are typically less reliable than a fixed land line, as they are more susceptible to weather and local conditions and have a smaller network capacity. E.g. during peak times the mobile networks often become clogged and fall over. Governments also have the power to turn off or disrupt the GSM and or Mobile networks in an emergency.

    Because of this if you application is critical we would recommend where ever possible to use a land line as the primary medium and use the GSM networks as a backup.


    For more information visit the M30 GSM Autodialler Page,  GSM Module Page or Contact Us

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 Tel +44 (0)1344 874114 Fax +44 (0)1344 874664

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