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4,8,16,56 Alarm Inputs,GSM or Land Line Networks,No Need for a Fixed Line,Real Speech Messages,24hrs Battery Backup,Remote Interrogation,Fully Menu Driven,Call Back to Cancel, Analogue Inputs , Insurance Approved
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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 11:22 am on November 21, 2018 Permalink |
    Tags: alarm auto dialler, , , burglar alarm telephone dialer, GSM Speech Dialler, Speech Dialler Alarm   

    Speech Dialler Alarm 

    speech dialler alarm

    Speech Dialler Alarm

    The M60 is an advanced speech dialler alarm system that can connect to both the Mobile phone network and the land line phone network to send voice, sms and data alarm messages.

    It is primarily designed for use in commercial/industrial environments such as Fire Alarms, Security, Lone Worker Protection, Pharmaceutical / Industrial Process Monitoring, Horticulture, Livestock Protection and Power Generation etc but can also be used in domestic locations.

    As a commercial/industrial Speech Dialler is comes with all the features you would expect; multiple inputs (4,8,16,32 or 56), protected inputs, 24-48 hour battery backup, and a simple to use interface with a keypad and LCD display. Visit our Standard Features page for more information.

    GSM Speech Dialler

    The M60 is a full blown GSM Speech Dialler, allowing you to fit the M60 in locations where it is not possible to get a landline.

    Each input can have its own individual user recordable speech message meaning you are not stuck with a universal “channel 1 alarm” but could have more a more useful “Fire in Shed Gamma” message.

    The GSM Speech Dialler feature can also be used as a backup, if you connect a landline to the M60; it will then monitor the land line and if it fails automatically switch across to the GSM network.

    Alarm Auto Dialler

    How does an Alarm Auto Dialler Work?

    • When the M60 detects a new alarm condition, it will grab the alarm and make sure it is not an intermittent or false alarm.
    • It will then dial the first number in your presetup alarm contact list.
      • Depending on your setup it will then send a speech message, sms message, pager alert or data.
    • The M60 will wait to see if you are going to acknowledge receipt of the alert, if not it will carry on through the dialout contact list.
    • At the end of the contact list the M60 will wait an extended period, if no acknowledgement is received then it will go back to the start of the dial out list and start again.
    • The M60 Alarm Auto dialler will carry going round and around untill the alarm is dealt with.

    Burglar Alarm Telephone Dialer

    The M60 can easily connect to your burglar security system. This can be done either via a dedicated output on the security panel or if your panel does not have one then you can slave an output from the siren contacts.

    If you use the M60 GSM backup option the M60 will monitor the connected landline and if the land line is cut the alarm message will still be sent via the GSM network instead.

    If your burglar security panel covers multiple zones with different responsibility’s you can connect in each zone separately and setup a dedicated list of alarm contacts for each zone.

    M60 Speech Dialler Alarm Features;

    Below is just a small selection of the features that are available, for the full list please visit our Standard Features and Optional Features pages or Contact Us.

    • 4,8,16,56 separate alarm inputs, each with their own dedicated speech message
    • GSM Phone line Connection either dedicated line or as a backup option.
    • SMS Text Messages
    • PSTN Phone line Connection
    • Integrated 24hr plus battery backup.
    • Remote Integration – you can phone the unit at any time to check its status.
    • Fully Menu and keypad driven.
    • Designed and built for industrial and commercial environments.

    Because the M60 is designed and built by us in the UK, we can customise the unit for your exact needs and situation including creating bespoke features and functions.

    For more information, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or Auto dialer FAQs pages.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 3:16 pm on June 27, 2018 Permalink |
    Tags: , , GSM Speech Dialler, speech dialler,   

    Speech Dialler 

    Speech Dialler

    Speech Dialler

    The M60 Alarm Speech Dialler is designed for monitoring critical systems such as high/low temperature, mains failure, intruder alarms, environmental systems, process failures & life support systems etc.

    Each M60 can come with 4,8,16,32 or 56 individual NO/NC alarm inputs, each input has its own user recordable Speech Message.

    The M60 Alarm Speech Dialler allows you to easily customise your alarm messages meaning you are not stuck with a Standard “Channel 1” or “Channel 2” alarm message, you can change it to a much more useful “High temperature in Building A”. Recording speech messages is done simply via the menu system.

    When an alarm occurs the M60 will send the Speech message to your alarm contact list over either a standard PSTN line or over the GSM mobile network.


    M60 Alarm Speech Dialler Features;

    Below is just a small selection of the features that are available, for the full list please visit our Standard Features and Optional Features pages or Contact Us.

    • 4,8,16,56 separate alarm inputs, each with their own dedicated speech message
    • GSM Phone line Connection either dedicated line or as a backup option.
    • SMS Text Messages
    • PSTN Phone line Connection
    • Integrated 24hr plus battery backup.
    • Remote Integration – you can phone the unit at any time to check its status.
    • Fully Menu and keypad driven.
    • Designed and built for industrial and commercial environments.

    Because the M60 is designed and built by us in the UK, we can customise the unit for your exact needs and situation including creating bespoke features and functions.

    For more information, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or Auto dialer FAQs pages.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 1:52 pm on May 24, 2013 Permalink |
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    Alarm Dialer with Voice for Cellular 

    Alarm Dialer with Voice for Cellular

    The M30 Alarm Dialer is an advanced machine specifically designed for hash commercial and industrial environments.

    As a Commercial Alarm Dialer it comes with all the features you would expect including 4,8,16 & 56 individual alarm inputs, Cellular and PSTN phone options, integrated battery backup and an IP56 enclosure… Check out more of its industrial features below.

    The M30 is used around the world by a large selection of businesses for monitoring Building Management Systems, Computer Room Protection, Power Failure, Power Generation, Hordiculture Temperature Monitoring, High/Low Water Levels, Intruder Protection, Lone Worker Protection, Live stock Protection  plus many more…

    Alarm Dialers Voice Cellular

    Alarm Dialers Voice Cellular


    Each Channel/input on the M30 has its own user recordable message allowing you to easily distinguish between alarms. All recording and setup is done via the user friendly built in keypad and LCD screen.

    The Cellular voice module can also be used as a backup, if you have a PSTN line available – The M30 will monitor a connected PSTN landline, and when a failure occurs automatically switch to the Cellular network.


    Each channel/ input on the M30 has its own customizable SMS message plus there is a general machine identifier. This means instead of getting a general “Channel 1 Alarm Active” you would receive a much more useful “Acme Alpha site – Power failure in building A1”.

    When the M30 senses an active alarm it will send you a SMS for each active alarm channel.

    This feature is very easy to setup and is just a case of selecting in the menu whether you would like a alarm call recipient to get a SMS or Speech message.

     M30 Auto Dialer Features include;

    • 4,8,16 or 56 individual alarm inputs.
    • Integrated Backup Battery.
    • PSTN Telephone Line failure sensing (optional).
    • GSM Network dialing and backup.
    • Individual Real Speech Messages.
    • Individual SMS alarm text messages (optional).
    • Fully menu and keypad driven.
    • 999 Approved.
    • IP56 Industrial Rated Enclosure.

    The above list is not definitive visit please visit the Standard Features & Options Features pages for a complete list.

    The M30 is designed and built by ourselves in the UK, so if there is a feature or function you need for your particular application then please let us know as we can normally create it for you.

    For more information or pricing on our M30 Auto Dialer please contact us or visit the SMS / GSM Voice Pages on our site.

     We also now have a dedicated SMS section on our Blog.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 4:24 pm on April 22, 2013 Permalink |
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    GSM Speech and Text Dialler 

    GSM Speech and Text Dialler

    The M30 is an industrial GSM Speech and Text Dialler specifically built for harsh and commercial environments.

    The M30 is used around the world by a large variety of companies to protect and monitor an array of situations including High / Low Temperatures, Freezer / Fridge Failures, Power Failures, Equipment Failures, Process Failures, High / Low Water Levels, High / Low Pressures, Security Systems, Building Management, Lone Worker Alarms, Computer Server Rooms, Human Life Support, Horticulture & Livestock Protection.GSM Speech and Text Dialler

    As an industrial designed unit, it comes with all the features you might expect including, 4,8,16 and 56 individual inputs – each input has its own real speech and or SMS message, GSM and or PSTN network connections, 24 hour plus battery backup, and an IP56 enclosure.

    GSM and or PSTN

    The M30 can use both the GSM mobile phone networks and also the PSTN land line networks to send out alarm messages.

    The GSM can be setup either as a permanent communication medium or act as a backup incase the PSTN landline is cut or has failed.

    GSM Speech

    Each input on the M30 has its own user recordable real speech message not a prerecorded or robotic voice; you can setup the unit to say what ever you wish. There is also a general machine identification message to allow you to easily differentiate between multiple machines and also to comply with BT regulations.

    SMS Text messages

    Each input on the M30 has its own individual text message, plus there is general machine identification message, this is to allow you to Text Diallereasily differentiate between multiple machines.

    When an alarm or alarms are activated you will receive a message for each active alarm, e.g. if 4 alarms/channels where active you would receive 4 messages.

    So instead of a “channel 1“alarm message you will receive a more useful “This is Sunningdale Landfill, High temperature in boiler 1” message.

    The M30 Dialler features;

    The M30 is built and designed by us in the UK, so if there is a special feature or function you need for your application please let us know and normally we can get the feature added to the M30.

    • 4,8,16 & 56 Individual Alarm inputs.
      • Normally Open or Normally Closed alarm inputs.
      • Each with their own Speech and or SMS message.
    • User Recordable Real Speech alarm messages.
    • SMS Text Messages.
    • 3 individual alarm callout groups / rosters each can have up to 5 telephone/SMS/ mobile/pager numbers (expandable).
    • 1 additional Emergency group / roster.
      • Your emergency group of telephone numbers can be permanently linked to a channel, so they only get called when that channel is activated. I.e. if channel 1 is your fire alarm you can set it up to call the fire brigade while all the other channels call the standard alarm callout group.
    • GSM and or PSTN connections.
    • Remote Interrogation.
      • You can phone the M30 from any phone at any time to check the current status of the alarm inputs.
    • Integrated Mains Failure.
    • Integrated Low battery Alarm.
    • Fully menu and keypad driven..
    • 24hr + Battery Backup.
    • Industrial IP56 Enclosure.

    The above is not a complete list of all the avaible features but just a selection of the highlights, visit the M30 Speech Dialler Standard and Optional features pages for a complete set or contact us for pricing.


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1 Broomfield hall buildings, London road, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0DP, United Kingdom.
 Tel +44 (0)1344 874114 Fax +44 (0)1344 874664

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