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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 12:30 pm on October 22, 2012 Permalink |
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    How to turn off the answer machine on your mobile phone sim card 

    If you are putting  a mobile phone sim card into a GSM Autodialler you must first disable the Answer Phone otherwise you when ever you try to interrogate the GSM Autodialler or cancel it you will get the answer phone rather than the Autodialler.


    • To turn the answer phone off:
    • Dial 1210 and press send.
    • To turn the answer phone on:
    • Dial 1211 and press send.


    • To turn the answer phone off or on:
    • Contact customer services on 150 ask them to turn it on or off.
    • Some handsets allow you to adjust the settings from the menus.


    • To turn the answer phone off:
    • Dial 1760 and press send.
    • To turn the answer phone on:
    • Dial 1750 and press send.


    • To turn the answer phone off or on:
    • Contact customer services on 1913 ask them to turn it on or off.
    • Some handsets allow you to adjust the settings from the menus.

    For more information or help contact us or visit the GSM or SMS Page

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 4:28 pm on October 11, 2012 Permalink |
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    Fire Alarm Auto Dialer 

    Fire Alarm Auto Dialer

    Having an Alarm Auto Dialer attached to your buildings Fire Alarm today should be considered essential not only your peace of mind but a lot of insurance companies now require it.

    A fire alarm without an Autodialer is a bit like the proverbial tree in the woods, if you have spend thousands of pounds getting the latest fire alarm installed with smoke and heat detectors dotted around and it is triggered at 0200 in the morning and no one hears it then it Fire Alarm Auto Dialerwas a waste of money when you arrive in the morning and find the buildings no longer there.

    Even if you have a 24hr manned site with a security office you want them dealing with the fire  and making sure the building has been evacuated not trying to find the emergency contact list.

    Most types of Autodialer supplied today are not up to the task, they are designed as cheap add-ons for residential intruder systems where if they fail and don’t dial out it’s not the end of the world. But if there’s a fire and people’s lives or your business is at stake then you need a reliable peace of equipment that is designed for the job.


    At a bare minimum you should make sure your Auto Dialer has the following features;

    • Industrial/commercially designed with quality internal components (not built as quickly and cheaply as possible using the cheapest parts around).
    • Multiple channels/inputs that allow the distinction of different areas/zones of the building.
    • Integrated battery backup (not external or made / supplied by a third party as they might not be compatible and won’t be monitored.)
    • Integrated mains failure.
    • Integrated low battery alarm.
    • Customisable messages that meet the specification laid down to dial 999.
    • Being able to program in multiple alarm message recipients.
    • Knowing that the machine will keep trying to send alarm messages until the alarm has been acknowledged.
    • Be fully serviceable (6 or 12 monthly) by the manufacturer or by a Service Company fully trained by the manufacture.
    • IP65 Enclosure to protect from moisture / dust and insects causing damage.


    For example the M30 Autodialer has the following extra features as well;

    • Channel to Roster With this feature installed each channel is in practice a separate machine, which will dial a totally separate set of alarm numbers. So for example if channel 1 was activated it would phone telephone list 1, if channel 2 was activated is would phone telephone list 2 etc.  This is ideal for a block of businesses where you want to communicate the detection of an alarm to the building owners and the individual businesses with out disturbing everyone else or buying multiple Autodialers.
    • Telephone line Backup – if the Land line fails e.g. a provider fault or the fire has taken out the line, the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM mobile/cell networks.
    • SMS Text Message – The M30 can now send SMS text messages as well as Speech messages to each recipient. For more information check out the SMS Autodialer Page.

    The M30 and its predecessors have been used around the world for the protection of People, Assets, Property and livestock since 1956.


    For more information how the M30 can connect to your fire alarm and the current Pricing please Contact Us or visit the Autodialer Features or Autodialer Options Page.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 3:48 pm on October 3, 2012 Permalink |

    MK7 Alarm Autodialler from the 1970s 

    Below is some Literature on the MK7 Alarm Autodialler from the 1970’s.

    It came with an intergrated battery backup and could send its alarm messages to up to 5 different people.

    The interesting feature to notice is that it used an 8 track tape!!



    Mk7 Autodialler from the 70's


    For more information on our current M30 check out its Standard and Optional Features or contact us for a quote.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 3:38 pm on September 26, 2012 Permalink |
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    What advantages does the SMS Autodialler Module Give me? 

    What advantages does the SMS Autodialler Module Give me?

    The module uses the GSM networks rather than the land line networks to send SMS messages, so it acts as an automatic line backup incase the lanSMS Autodiallerd line has failed, is in use or has been cut.
    As the module allows you to select whether you would like the recipient to receive a voice or SMS message it creates a much more flexible system, with uses outside of the standard communication of alarms.
    For Example;

    • Keep a permanent record of all onsite alarms.
    • Integrate an onsite pager system.
    • Setup channels to “Alert” rather than “Alarm”.
    • Visual alarm messages for the deaf or hard of hearing.


    The SMS Upgrade Module is “quad band” meaning it will work in Europe and also most of North & South America Plus  Africa  and Australasia.

    For more information please contact us or visit the SMS Module page.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 11:53 am on September 21, 2012 Permalink |
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    How to change the Model 30 Alarm Dialler Software 

    How to change the Model 30 Alarm Dialler Software

    The software that controls the M30 can be found on the CPU board, located on the back of the M30 membrane/front panel.
    IMPORTANT: Before changing the M30 software ALL power MUST be disconnected from the M30. To do this first remove the
    Mains power, this could be done at the source, or by simply pulling out the fuse holder located on the Mains block inside the
    It should be noted that the M30 still has power (I.e. The display is still showing information). This is due to the battery back-up
    inside the M30. To disconnect the battery back-up simply press the OFF button located on the Power Supply board, as shown
    in the diagram below, (N.B. The termination plate needs to be removed before access can be made to the mains block and OFF
    When all power has been removed from the M30, there will be NO input indicators lit and the LCD display will be blank, the
    software can now be safely changed.

    M30 Alarm Dialler

    To obtain access to the software remove the 4 retaining screws shown in the diagram above. The Membrane can now be
    removed from the chassis. (Note: there is a cable that connects the CPU to the Power supply, this does not need to be
    disconnected, but it may be easier to fit the software by removing the cable from the CPU board).
    The software is stored in the EPROM and can be located by a White label clearly showing the current software version.
    Below is an example of an EPROM with the software version M30V40STD8, yours may well be different.

    M30 Software EpromBefore removing the old software, note the direction the small notch at the top of the EPROM is facing. Now using a small
    screwdriver, remove the old software and replace it with the new software, ensuring that the notch is facing in the same
    direction as the old software.
    The M30 can now be put back together, I.e. reconnecting the ribbon cable (if removed), placing the CPU/membrane back in to
    the chassis, re-inserting the retaining screws. Once done the only thing left to do is reconnect the Mains and allow the M30 to

    IMPORTANT: It is absolutely vital that the M30 is now tested for all events. (I.e. All alarms are checked and the M30 is tested
    for dialling out, and interrogation.



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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 11:37 am on September 11, 2012 Permalink |
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    Alarm Speech Dialler 

    Alarm Speech Dialler


    The M30 Alarm Speech Dialler is an industrially designed unit designed for harsh critical environments. It comes in 4, 8, 16 & 56 input/channel versions all with the same standard features, including.

    • Integrated Battery Backup with 24+ hour’s protection.
    • Mains Failure Detection.
    • Individual real speech messages
    • Fully Menu Driven
    • Remote Integration.
    • Fully customizable.

    Each input / channel has its own individual message allowing you to easily identify and differentiae between the separate inputs. For example instead of the M30 reporting “Channel 12” you can record a message saying “Power Failure Block 2”.

    All the speech messages are fully user configurable and designed to be recorded by the end user. Recording and updating speech messages is very simple and is done via the keypad and LCD display, with the M30 offering you hints and tips along the way. To record / update a speech message plug a standard phone handset into the M30, then via the menu and LCD display select the message you want to change and follow the instructions given.


    SMS TEXT Messages

    If you would like an alternative to receiving Alarm Speech Messages we now offer an optional upgrade module that allows you to send SMS Text Messages to your mobile phone instead of or as well as speech messages.

    For more information or to get the current price list please Contact Us or check out the Alarm Dialler Standard Features & Alarm Dialler Optional Features Page.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 11:30 am on August 31, 2012 Permalink |
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    Wireless Alarm Autodialler 

    Wireless Alarm Autodialler


    Sometimes it can be more convenient to have a Wireless Alarm Autodialler instead of a wired one connected to the PSTN networks. Our Wireless Autodialler uses the GSM mobile networks in order to send and receive alarm messages.

    Wireless systems do have a number of advantages over a standard wired system;

    • Where it is not possible to get a PSTN landline installed.
    • Where the cost is prohibitive to get a landline installed.
    • Can be used in a temporary installation.
    • Can be used where the item being monitored is regularly moved.
    • Where there is high risk that a land line might fail either because of nature or due to malicious damage.


    We offer two different types of wireless system;

    GSM Dialler Converter Module

    This module allows you to have the best of both worlds, you can either just use the GSM wireless networks to send real speech voice alarm messages or switch to them if the land line fails or is cut.

    SMS Module

    This module allows you send SMS text messages alerting your on call personal there is a problem on site.


    When opting for a wireless system instead of a wired system you do need to be aware they are not typically as reliable as a landline PSTN system. The GSM networks do not have the same operating capacity as PSTN phone networks. That is why at peak times e.g. New Year you cannot get a call out. Governments also have the right to shut down the GSM networks in times of national emergency or when they are performing sensitive operations.

    The GSM networks are also more susceptible to being disrupted by local electrical interference.



    For more information please Contact Us or visit our GSM Dialler Module page or our SMS Alarm Dialler Page

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 4:23 pm on August 23, 2012 Permalink |
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    Fire Alarm Autodialler 

    Fire Alarm Autodialler

    Fire Alarm AutodiallerHaving an Alarm Auto dialler attached to your Fire Alarm today should be considered essential not only your peace of mind but a lot of insurance companies now require it.

    A fire alarm without an autodialler is a bit like the proverbial tree in the woods, if you have spend thousands of pounds getting the latest fire alarm installed with smoke and heat detectors dotted around and it is triggered at 0200 in the morning and no one hears it then it was a waste of money when you arrive in the morning and find the buildings no longer there.

    Even if you have a 24hr manned site with a security office you want them dealing with the fire not trying to find the emergency contact list.

    Most types of Autodialler supplied today are not up to the task, they are designed as cheap add-ons for residential intruder systems where if they fail and don’t dial out it’s not the end of the world. But if there’s a fire and people’s lives or you business are at stake then you need a reliable peace of equipment that is designed for the job.


    At a bare minimum you should require the following features;

    • Customisable messages that meet the specification laid down to dial 999.
    • Being able to program in multiple alarm message recipients.
    • Knowing that the machine will keep trying to send alarm messages until the alarm has been acknowledged.
    • Industrial/commercially designed with quality internal components (not built as quickly and cheaply as possible using the cheapest parts around).
    • Multiple channels/inputs that allow the distinction of different areas/zones of the building.
    • Integrated battery backup (not external or made / supplied by a third party as they might not be compatible and won’t be monitored.)
    • Integrated mains failure.
    • Integrated low battery alarm.
    • Be fully serviceable (6 or 12 monthly) by the manufacturer or by a Service Company fully trained by the manufacture.
    • IP65 Enclosure to protect from moisture / dust and insects causing damage.


    For example the M30 Autodialler has the following extra features as well;

    • Telephone line Backup – if the Land line fails e.g. a provider fault or the fire has taken out the line, the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM mobile/cell networks.
    • Channel to Roster – With this feature installed each channel is in practice a separate machine, which will dial a totally separate set of alarm numbers. So for example if channel 1 was activated it would phone telephone list 1, if channel 2 was activated is would phone telephone list 2 etc.

    This is ideal for a block of businesses where you want to communicate the detection of an alarm to the building owners and the individual     businesses with out disturbing everyone else or buying multiple Autodialers.


    The M30 and its predecessors have been used around the world for the protection of property, assets, people and livestock since 1956.



    For more information how the M30 can connect to your fire alarm and the current Pricing please Contact Us or visit the Autodialler Standard Features or Autodialler Optional Features Page.

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 11:32 am on August 13, 2012 Permalink |
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    What is a GSM Alarm Dialler? 

    What is a GSM Alarm Dialler?

    GSM Alarm Diallers are fairly new to the market (i.e. the last 8 years or so) but in that time have shown themselves to be very useful and convenient either as an alternative to a standard Alarm Dialler or as a backup device.

    In situations where it is not practically or financially viable to get a land line installed or where there is a high chance someone might try to block the line a GSM Dialler can be ideal.

    A GSM Alarm Dialler is essentially the same as Landline Version but accepts a sim card and uses the GSM networks to make and receive alarm calls rather than PSTN land lines.

    Not all GSM Diallers are equal most are very cheap and are not designed to cope with commercial or industrial use, nor will they have the features a business might require i.e. multiple dial out lists for different staff rotas. For example the Commercial M30 Autodialler by Packs Infotel can use both Landlines and the GSM network, i.e. The M30 can use the GSM networks all the time or the M30 can use the Land Line networks and only switch to the GSM / Mobile networks if the land line fails.


    But you do need to be bare in mind that GSM / Mobile networks are typically less reliable than a fixed land line, as they are more susceptible to weather and local conditions and have a smaller network capacity. E.g. during peak times the mobile networks often become clogged and fall over. Governments also have the power to turn off or disrupt the GSM and or Mobile networks in an emergency.

    Because of this if you application is critical we would recommend where ever possible to use a land line as the primary medium and use the GSM networks as a backup.


    For more information visit the M30 GSM Autodialler Page,  GSM Module Page or Contact Us

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  • M60 Alarm Dialer 11:45 am on August 8, 2012 Permalink |
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    Horticulture Alarm Systems and Alarm Auto Diallers 

    Horticulture Alarm Systems and Alarm Auto Diallers.


    A Horticulture company’s site normally contains one or multiple glass houses that they use to grow or ripen fruit, vegetables, flowers or plants. These products are then sold on to be eaten or planted. These products especially when young are very sensitive to their environmental conditions especially as more often then not the growers are forcing the plants to grow out of their normal seasons.


    Because of this it is critical to install an alarm system to monitor the environmental conditions of the glass house as even a small drop in temperature can kill off a whole seasons growing and cost the company thousands of pounds in left revenue.


    Of course there is no point in having an alarm system if it goes off at 1 o’clock in the morning and there is no one on site to hear it. As most sites are not manned 247 and the owners/managers house is not on site you need a way to easily communicate the alarm to the correct on call personal.


    The best way to that is via an Alarm Auto Dialler, invented by Packs Infotel in 1958 – When the Alarm Auto Dialler detects an alarm signal either directly from the thermostats or via another system, it checks to see who the current on call staff are depending on the time of day & day of the week. It then sends a real speech message or text message detailing exactly what has happened so the staff can judge whether they need to rush in to deal with the problem or if it can wait for morning. The Alarm Dialler will continue to issue messages until a member of staff acknowledges they are going to deal with the alarm.


    By using a Industrial Alarm Auto Dialler with integrated battery backup and GSM phone line backup you can rest in the safe knowledge that even during a power cut and or phone line interruption you will get a phone call.


    You can also connect the Alarm Auto Dialler to your intruder alarms or lone worker systems to give you extra peace of mind and or to comply with health and safety regulations.



    For more Information please Contact Us or visit the Horticulture Autodialler System Page.

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 Tel +44 (0)1344 874114 Fax +44 (0)1344 874664

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