How Do I Monitor My Computer Room 

How Do I Monitor My Computer Room

The Monitoring of both manned and unmanned Computer \ Server Rooms and Data Centres is today considered mandatory by most organisations as even a small down time can cause hundreds of wasted man hours by employees or customers left twisting their thumbs as they cannot access the items they require.

How Do I Monitor My Computer Room

How Do I Monitor My Computer Room

The problem with most solutions on the market is they rely upon some aspect of your infrastructure to still be working e.g. network and internet connections for email or SNMP alerts, your internal phone exchange or VOIP systems for phone alerts or even just something as simple as power if they don’t have an integrated battery backup.

This is were the M30 Alarm Dialer comes in, the M30 is a totally independent solution with various fail safes built in including battery backup, multiple phone line options & backups plus automatic test calls.

Most importantly unlike most other alarm dialers on the market that are designed for domestic use the M30 is specifically designed for industrial and commercial situations. It is used by companies around the world for example Sellafield Nuclear Power Plant, Great Ormond Street Hospital, BBC, London Heathrow, London Underground, Johnsons & Johnsons, Heinz frozen foods, Houses of Parliament – UK, FujiFilm, Merial Animal Health and Coca Cola.

The M30 comes with 4,8,16 and 56 separate inputs, allowing you to easily monitor  various items from your computer room and surrounding building for example Mains Failure alarms, Multiple Temperature Thermostats, The alarm output on your Air-Conditioning systems, UPS alarm outputs, Security \ Access Control systems and Flood \ Water alarms.

Alarm Messages

The M30 can send alarm messages by Voice, SMS, Pager or Data.

Phone line backup – The M30 gives you four facilities for connecting a phone line;

  1. Via the default PSTN land line connection.
  2. Via a dedicated GSM connection. – Great if you don’t want or can’t have a PSTN connection.
  3. GSM as a backup, the M30 will continually monitor the connected PSTN line, if this fails then the M30 will automatically switch to the GSM network. – Great for critical situations.
  4. You can also connect our SMS module allowing you to send SMS messages in addition to or instead of a voice call.

M30 Features;

  • 4,8,16,56 separate alarm inputs, each with their own dedicated speech message
  • PSTN Phone line connection
  • GSM Phone line Connection either dedicated line or as a backup option.
  • SMS Text Message Option
  • Integrated 24hr plus battery backup.
  • Remote Integration – you can phone the unit at any time to check its status.
  • Fully Menu and keypad driven.
  • Designed any built for industrial and commercial environments.

View more Standard features and Optional features.

Because the M30 is designed and built by us in the UK, if there is a feature or function you would like please contact us a s we can normally create it for you.

For more information, help or pricing please contact us or visit our standard features or Auto dialer FAQs pages.

Please also check out our other articles on protecting Computer Rooms and Data Centres.


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